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Get Started
Are you ready to join other Montanans in ensuring the Gallatin Valley stays part of the Last Best Place? Start today!
Switching to efficient recycling means a greener future for everyone where reduce, reuse, and recycle are not just a hobby.
Separated bins average 95%+ recycled rate; one bin cross-contaminates, sending at least 20% to a landfill anyway.

Stack ’em, Sort ’em, place ’em:
We’ll handle the rest!

We provide three bins for residential customers: plastic, paper, glass & metal. Cardboard can be laid flat or placed in a container of your choosing. You can also use your own bins if you wish. 

Our Bins Make Separated Recycling Easy

Stack ’em, Sort it, place ’em: We’ll handle the rest! We provide three bins for residential customers: plastic, paper, glass & metal. Cardboard can be laid flat or placed in a container of your choosing. You can also use your own bins if you wish. 
Holiday closures for 2025 include; Memorial Day, May 26th (Monday B); Labor Day, September 1st (Monday B); Thanksgiving, November 27th (Thursday B); and Christmas Day, December 25th (Thursday B). Each of those pick-up days will run one day behind. Click on your schedule below to confirm your pick up day during these weeks.
Gone Green customers are assigned a day and either an “A” or “B” designation, this can be found at the bottom of your invoices. This determines your schedule for recycling pickup. Check your assigned day and designation below to view and download your personal pickup schedule. Please have bins out by 6:30am to ensure your recycling gets picked up.

Monday A Schedule

Tuesday A Schedule

Wednesday A Schedule

Thursday A Schedule

Monday B Schedule

Tuesday B Schedule

Wednesday B Schedule

Thursday B Schedule

What’s Recyclable?
Use this list to ensure your recycling makes a difference. We suggest that you reduce use of all non-recyclable materials to lower your carbon footprint. Please rinse and flatten all possible products to make recycling as efficient as possible!


Did you know that plastic bottles make up nearly 50% of all recyclable waste in landfills? It takes 700 years on average for a plastic bottle to decompose. Every hour in the U.S. 2,500,000 plastic bottles are used.

What we take…

Milk jugs
Pop, water, and juice bottles
Laundry detergent
All-purpose cleaner bottles

What we don’t take…

Plastic bags & wrappers
Tubs & buckets (trays and wash buckets)
Ziploc bags
Pill bottles


What we take…

#1 and #2 plastics
Milk jugs
Pop, water, and juice bottles
Laundry detergent
All-purpose cleaner bottles

What we don’t take…

Plastics #3 – #7
Plastic bags & wrappers
Tubs & buckets (trays and wash buckets)
Ziploc bags
Pill bottles


Did you know that making new cardboard produces 50% more sulfur dioxide and is uses 24% more energy than recycling cardboard? Once you have recycled one ton of cardboard, you have saved 390 kWh hours of electricity, 46 gallons of oil, 6.6 million Btu’s of energy, and 9 cubic yards of landfill space according to the Recycling Coalition of Utah .

What we take…

soda boxes
6-pack carriers
cereal boxes
Paper egg cartons
Brown packing paper
Brown paper bags

What we don’t take

Any food contaminated box
Pizza boxes
Wax coated materials
1/2 gallon milk cartons
Juice cartons


What we take…

soda boxes
6-pack carriers
cereal boxes
Paper egg cartons
Brown packing paper
Brown paper bags

What we don’t take…

Any food contaminated box
Pizza boxes
Wax coated materials
1/2 gallon milk cartons
Juice cartons


Did you know that recycling paper uses 70% less energy than logging new trees for paper? Every ton of paper recycled saves 60,000 gallons of water.

What we take…

Newspaper & inserts
Junk mail (can not contain samples like a credit card)
Home office paper

What we don’t take…

Wax-coated papers or boxes
Tissues/tissue paper
Food wrappings
Paper towels
Soiled/food-stained papers
Hardbound books


What we take…

Newspaper & inserts
Junk mail (can not contain samples like a credit card)
Home office paper

What we don’t take…

Wax-coated papers or boxes
Tissues/tissue paper
Food wrappings
Paper towels
Soiled/food-stained papers
Hardbound books


Did you know that aluminum is one of the fastest materials to recycle? Preparing new aluminum requires nearly 100 times the energy than recycling. Contrary to popular belief, glass is one of the few items that can be completely recycled time after time. However most glass ends up in landfills where it does not decompose.

What we take…

Steel cans
Tin cans
Beer bottles
Wine bottles
Food jars

What we don’t take…

Bottle caps
Aerosal cans
Paint/solvent cans
Tin foil
Scrap metal


What we take…

Steel cans
Tin cans
Beer bottles
Wine bottles
Food jars

What we don’t take…

Bottle caps
Aerosal cans
Paint/solvent cans
Tin foil
Scrap metal

Our mission is a clean and green Montana. We believe the Last Best Place deserves our commitment to a responsible lifestyle. We keep our promise using the most efficient recycling method: Separated Bins.
01. How much are you actually recycling?
Our recycling method is cleaner. Over 95% of all your materials are recycled. Commingling often leads to vast contamination. In reality at least 20% of your commingled recycling ends up in a landfill anyway. We guarantee a recycled product.
02. Our community is our choice
We know what it means to work with our community. We believe the only way to ensure a green Montana is to be transparent about our recycling. We standby the separated recycling because we know the difference it makes.
03. We recycle glass
Other companies don't take glass because of the commingled process. We DO. All our glass is recycled and reused in products in the U.S.A., and all brewery bottles are reused here in Montana! Bayern Brewer sanitizes the bottles so they can become vessels for tasty beverages again.
04. We make separated recycling easy
Our bins are labeled and stack comfortably in the same space as a commingled can. Simply lay them in a line at your curb with your flattened cardboard on pickup day, and we’ll do the rest!

Starting at


Per Month

Annie Leonard
Proponent of Sustainability

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it. Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else. There is no such thing as ‘away’. When we throw anything away it must go somewhere.”

get in touch

PO Box 11103 Bozeman, MT 59719
Phone: +1 406-855-9870
Email: [email protected]